Adjoafuaman Football Club is set to celebrate its 10th Anniversary with a series of activities spanning three days, starting from Friday, December 27 to...
The Paramount Chief of Sefwi Wiawso Traditional Council, Katakyie Kwasi Bumagama II, has called on residents of the Western North Region to prioritize peace...
The much-anticipated 4th edition of the Floodlight Media Excellence Awards was held on Saturday, August 31, 2024, at the KNUST-CCB Auditorium in Kumasi.
This year’s...
The Headmaster of Bibiani Senior High Technical School (BISEC), George Baidoo, has presented 110 mono desks to the school's Academic Board on Monday, August...
Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has taken the decision to suspend operations of some hotels, bars, and food joints in the Western North region.
The decision...
Mrs. Mabel Sarfo, affectionately known as "Auntie May," is being celebrated for her outstanding service and dedication as she approaches retirement from the Bibiani-Anhwiaso-Bekwai...